News Bulletins

Check out our Good of The Union page for info on births,  deaths,  retirements,  etc.

September 2024

Automated Speed Cameras (ASEs): members have asked who is responsible for tickets issued related to an ASE. While the Employer maintains it is a strict policy,  and the driver responsible for the vehicle that day will be responsible to pay the ticket and fees,  the Union does not believe it is that simple. We know that multiple employees often share the responsibility of driving during a shift,  and the union is trying to get management to understand our concerns.
There will be more conversations on this issue. Please communicate any concerns to a Union Exec!

Taken from the Driverโ€™s Licence Program for Vehicles and Equipment,  EFFECTIVE DATE: July 1,  2007 -- Section 8 reads as below:

(8) Motor Vehicle Violations
Employees must pay fines or costs resulting from any violations committed by them while driving a Town vehicle or for any fine or costs resulting from any violations received for the period in time in which they were deemed to be responsible for a Town vehicle involved in a violation. Examples include,  but are not limited to: speeding tickets,  parking tickets,  vehicle impoundment and brake adjustment fines. Claims for reimbursement will not be accepted or paid. Violations that demonstrate a lack of concern for safety may be subject to discipline.


2024 Elections: Nominations took place at the GMM on Sepetmber 17,  2024 at the Bronte Legion.

All positions were acclaimed. See the Elections page for more info. Contact information is also available on the Roles and Contact Us pages.


May 2024

2023-27 CA: A digital copy is now available on our Resources page. It is currently being printed,  and will be distributed shortly.


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